SBA 504 Application Forms
Downloadable Forms for Small Business Applicants
Please download and print the NWBDA Application for a 504 Loan as your first step in applying for a 504 loan. One of NWBDA’s qualified officers will assist you every step of the way. If needed, NWBDA will help identify a participating first mortgage lender for your project.

Once the 504 Loan Application package has been approved by the lender and NWBDA, NWBDA will submit the application package to SBA for final approval.
Thank you for your interest in the SBA 504 Loan Program!


To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all Certified Development Companies to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who applies for a 504 Loan.

What this means for you: When you apply for a 504 Loan, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

Contact your NWBDA Business Development Officer, or 1-800-540-1748, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the forms needed to facilitate your 504 debenture


(Please download forms before you fill them out)


1244 v. 10.24

1244. Version (10.24).

                Borrower Certifications as an Addendum to Form 1244 as per SOP 50 10 7

                Borrower Certification for SBA Form 1244 for Citizenship Information

                SBA Form 1244 Borrower Certifications Character Determination Question 090723

Biometrics4All: (Go to this link if Fingerprints are needed). Click here for instructions.

4506 C – Revised Oct. 2022

Authorization for Tax Return Verification. Please fill one out for your business. If earnings are reported on a 1040 Schedule C, a 4506-C form will need to be filled out for your personal tax return.

Authorization Form for the 4506-C

Must be filled out and signed along with the 4506-C Tax Form

AR and AP Aging Report

AR and AP aging report

Business Debt Schedule

List all business debt.

Environmental Questionnaire & Disclosure

To be filled out by the current owner of the property

Reliance Letter to SBA – For Environmental Reports

To be filled out and signed by the Environmental Professional – cannot be modified in any manner by the Environmental Professional.

Loan Assistance Agreement

An agreement between the Applicant and Northwest Business Development Association

Previous Government Financing 10.20

List all prior and current government and/or SBA loans.

Personal History Form/Management Resume

To be filled out by Operating Company’s principal owners and key employees

Principal Profile EPC

To be filled out to list each principal of the business (EPC) and ownership percentage.

Principle Profile OC

To be filled out to list each principal of the operating company and ownership percentage.

SBA Personal Financial Statement 413 – Fillable 05-21

To be filled out by borrowers and guarantors.

Additional Information


Consent for Third Party Loan Amortization

This is a fillable pdf template for “Consent for Third Party Loan Amortization”

Sample Bank Letter (Word Document)

NADCO has provided the attached sample for a bank letter acceptable to the SBA. Please note the effective date is June 2010.

SBA 504 Energy Public Policy Project

Use the SBA Energy Policy Program to help the environment and increase the amount you can borrow, up to $16,500,000 ($5,500,000 per project).