2018 SBA Small Business
Awards of the Washington Gala
Danny House’s Speech (Condensed)
Dan the Sausageman
Small Business Person of the Year
“Impressive Business and Financial Accomplishments”
“This is my satchel from 30 years ago, I would wear it when I sold door to door, it was a bit like Superman’s cape, it gave me the strength to walk into offices. The no soliciting sign would be the kryptonite. I would enter an office and say, ‘I am Dan the Sausageman’, people would laugh and I would start selling.
The competition for business would be between me, Dan the Sausageman vs Darlene the Sausage Queen, I kid you not. It was a great battle. My route lasted for 19 years until I was able to build up our retail and online sales.
Now, 30 years later, I find myself up here with this award, humbled and honored. With this award, I feel the SBA has given me an opportunity to see how many people are in my corner and care about my business and my journey.
To NWBDA’s Elizabeth Stevens: Thank you. You kept me going and told me you were here to get me this loan. A partner. When I got frustrated, you listened.
In closing, I would like to celebrate and congratulate all of you for being such a large part of what makes this country great and keeping the American Dream alive.”
May 2018
Issue 12

Eastern Washington/
Northern Idaho
Evan Heriot
(509) 904-5169
Central Washington
Lisa Vincent
(509) 469-5040
Western Washington
Elizabeth Rusnak
(425) 286-6673
Elizabeth Stevens
Mark Beppler
(425) 505-3263
Southwestern Washington/
North Oregon
Jim Bight
(360) 521-5704
Mike Miller
(503) 746-1805
SBA 504 Effective Rates for May 2018
25-year – 5.57% / 5.62% Refi
20-year – 5.22% / 5.27% Refi
10-year – 5.30% / 5.36% Refi
Congratulations to Other Washington
Small Business Award Winners
Small Business
Tony Curtis
Current Home Technologies
Small Business
Kelsey, Korrie & Melinda Bourn
Melbourn Insurance Agency
Small Business
Jack Ambrosiani
Cygnus, Inc.
Millennial Entrepreneur
Nathie Katzoff
NK Woodworking & Design
Small Business Exporter
Cameron Fisher & John Duncan
Mobile Semiconductor
Small Business Champion
Mary Marshall
Marshall Advisors, LLC
Encore Entrepreneur
Ross & Trivonna Irwin
Cabinets by Trivonna
(509) 458-8555
(800) 540-1748 (Toll Free)
In the month of
April, NWBDA helped
create 17 new jobs in the
local communities!
April’s Loan
NWBDA approved 4 new projects for the total amount of $7,158,629.00
Did you know?
There are approximately 555,285 Small Businesses in Washington state